Goal 1: Social Welfare and Service of Love for Vulnerable Communities

Eradicate Poverty and Uplift the Dignity of Vulnerable Communities including Persons with Disabilities, Disadvantaged Children and Socially Excluded Communities


  • Increase Household Income of poor and disadvantaged communities above national average
  • Promote socio-economic and livelihood development of the survivor, vulnerable and at-risk migrant workers
  • Ensure Social protection of vulnerable communities including senior citizens, women, persons with disabilities, disadvantaged children, street children, sex workers, domestic workers, and marginalized people
  • Ensure good governance, social justice and empowerment of vulnerable communities


Goal 2: Ecological Conservation, Climate Justice and Sustainable Food System

Ensure Sustainable Management of Ecosystem; Reduce Climate Change Impacts and Sustainable Production and Consumption


  • Enhance resilience to Combat Climate Change and its Impacts
  • Strengthen Natural Resources Management and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Protection and Development of Environment and Ecosystem
  • Strengthen Food & Nutrition Security of Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities
  • Promote Sustainable and Climate resilient Agriculture and Livelihood
  • Optimize the food value chain through infrastructure, technology innovation, capacity building in compliance with food safety standards and regulation


Goal 3: Humanitarian Response and Disaster Management

Strengthen Humanitarian Response and Community Resilience to Save Lives and Resources from Disasters


  • Strengthen Humanitarian Responses
  • Reduce loss and damage from disasters through Enhancing Disaster Preparedness and climate change adaptation
  • Promote Anticipatory Action Program to Reduce Impacts of Predictable Disasters


Goal 4: Education, Skill Development and Employment Creation

Promote Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education, Knowledge-Based and Technologically-Oriented Market Driven Skill Development for Job Creation


  • Promotion of access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Primary Education for Poor and Disadvantaged Children of the Hardest to Reach Communities
  • Promote quality Education for all school-aged children
  • Ensure Access to Vocational and Technical Education for school dropped out youths and adults from poor and disadvantaged communities
  • Ensure decent employment opportunities for the graduated trainees


Goal 5: Health Care, Nutrition and Education

Promote Health Care, Nutrition and Education for a Healthy Life and Wellbeing


  • Strengthen access to universal healthcare services
  • Improving nutrition through nutrition specific interventions for mother, children, adolescent and elderly people
  • Strengthen Pro-Life, Reproductive Health Education and Natural Family Planning
  • Quality and Equitable Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases for all
  • Strengthen prevention, treatment and aftercare services for drug addicts and survivors


Goal 6: Development of Indigenous Peoples

Improvement of the Quality of lives and Dignity of the Indigenous Peoples


  • Promotion of Indigenous Peoples’ rights (land, legal and customary) and legal protection
  • Strengthening Traditional Social Organizations and Peoples’ Led Financial Institutions of Indigenous Peoples
  • Enhancing livelihoods and economic opportunities for Indigenous Peoples


Goal 7: Integral Human Development

Promotion of Integral Human Development through Social, Cultural, Moral and Spiritual Formation


  • Strengthening the spiritual, moral and holistic development of Caritas staff, volunteers, and the communities
  • Promotion of common good, synodality, subsidiarity, solidarity and care for creation
  • Promotion of Justice and Peace through action
  • Promoting Safety and Wellbeing of Children, youths and Vulnerable Adults


Goal 8: Institutional Development and Sustainability

Ensure Institutional Development and Capacity strengthening


  • Promotion of financial Sustainability
  • Ensure sustainability of service delivery
  • Effective and functional organization


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