A total of 149 participants including Assistant Executive Director-Programs (AED-P), Regional Direct... [Read More]
Caritas Participates in Agricultural Fair at Bandarban... [Read More]
On the occasion of the first death anniversary of Bitu Costa, the former Executive Director of Carit... [Read More]
A half-day long workshop on Resource Mobilization Policy of Caritas Bangladesh was held at Caritas C... [Read More]
CB Moves towards New Directions on Man-Woman Relationship Development... [Read More]
Caritas Central Office Observes Caritas Sunday-2016... [Read More]
Advocacy and Dissemination Workshop on Climate Resilience Agriculture Held... [Read More]
CB arranged an assessment following the Management Standard of Caritas Internationalis (CIMS) on 20 ... [Read More]
Caritas Chittagong Region Participated in Ekuser Boimela at Bandarban... [Read More]
Mrs Sophie AUBERT, the Ambassador of France in Bangladesh Visits MAWTS... [Read More]
CB participates in the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking... [Read More]
Caritas observes Family Day – 2016... [Read More]
Ms Veronique FAYET, President, Caritas France Visits CB... [Read More]
The 20th half-yearly (July to December 2015) staff meeting of Caritas Central Office... [Read More]
Lenten Campaign Planning Meeting 2016... [Read More]
Caritas Bangladesh Joins Global Climate March... [Read More]
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