Caritas Bangladesh hosted a shared meal with over 1,800 Rohingya refugees

As part of observance of Global Week of Action for Migrants and Refugees, Caritas Bangladesh (CB) hosted a shared meal with 1,800 Rohingya refugees across the refugee settlement, and with 200 Caritas Bangladesh staff and volunteers. The event took place across six Child Friendly Spaces and involved nearly 1,000 children, as well as parents and local community leaders. Having traveled to the event from across Bangladesh were Archbishop Moses M Costa, CSC, Bishop Lawrence Subrato Howladar and Mr Francis Atul Sarker; from outside Bangladesh were members of the global Caritas family, including representatives from Caritas Canada Development and Peace, Caritas Germany, Caritas Switzerland, and the CEO of Catholic Relief Services. The diverse Caritas leaders delivered messages of solidarity, community and brotherhood, expressing their love, support and open arms to the Rohingya community, and their commitment to being with them throughout this difficult time, and as they find relief and recovery.  [Read More]

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